I am ashamed to admit that I have not got around to writing a blog for such a long time. Not that I think you are all hanging on my every word! What can I say?
I came down with a bug following my visit to London and then when I had just got back on my feet wham! I picked up another one.
Today, the sun is shining and it is warm. The birds are getting quite giddy, singing at the top of their voices and working on their nests and on hatching eggs. It is amazing how Nature comes to life so quickly after the long cold winter.
The Easter Festival is almost here. I still remember that happy feeling on Easter Sunday when I went to early Mass. It felt like starting over again. Children actually enjoy going to church, seeing the candles being lit and hearing the hymns. We should give them the opportunity of attending a church service over the next few days.
Which brings me to the big debate in Ireland about how many chocolate Easter eggs children should eat, bearing in mind the amount of calories and the increase in obesity.
I don't have a magic answer. All I can say is that I think it is far better to do something together as a family and have this as a family Easter tradition than to start counting just how many Easter eggs a child should be given. Children really love doing things with their parents. I remember that when I worked full time, my children were delighted when we took time out to go on a trip and explore new places on a Sunday. It is the time you give your children, and indeed your parents and friends, which is the most precious gift you can bestow.
In our advertising-glutted world, we would all do well to remember that.